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Rosie Gibbens


Photo by Cengi Sen

25. 'Planned Obsolecence' performance. Rosie Gibbens. Photo Jon Baker (1).jpg

'Planned Obsolecence' performance. 2023 Photo Jon Baker 

Rosie Gibbens (b.1993) is a London based artist who makes performances, videos, sculptures and photographs that feature her body. Using absurd humour, she explores gender performativity, sexual politics, consumer desire, labour and the slippery overlaps between these. She often makes sculptures that combine everyday objects with sewn body parts and become props in the performances or films. The mindset behind her work is of someone attempting to participate seamlessly in contemporary life, but not quite managing.  




Selected Solo Exhibitions

The New Me, Shoreditch Arts Club X Daata, London, UK (2023)

Skin of my teeth, Midlands Arts Centre, Birmingham, UK (2022)

Soft Girls, Zabludowicz Collection, London, UK (2021)



Selected Group Exhibitions 

The Amber Room, Matt’s Gallery, London, UK (2023)

Are you working now?, National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts, Taichung, Taiwan (2023)

Body Poetics, Giant Gallery, Bournemouth, UK (2023)

Eye Body, T J Boulting, London UK (2023)

Girl Meets Girl, Vestfossen Kunstlaboratorium, Vestfossen, Norway (2022)

Balls, Oof Gallery, London, UK (2021)

The Artist is Online, Konig Gallery, Berlin, Germany (2021)

Ridiculous, Elephant West, London, UK (2020)



'Dirty Pillows reclined' photograph. Rosie Gibbens.photographer Moea Creugnet.jpg

'Dirty Pillows reclined'  Photo Moea Creugnet

12. 'Soft Girls' exhibition Rosie Gibbens. Photo Tim Bowditch (2).jpg

'Soft Girls' exhibition . Photo Tim Bowditch 

Time At Hogchester Arts

The Hogchester residency was a calm moment before the storm because I visited when 8 months pregnant. It was such a precious gift to have that time away from the city, in the beautiful countryside, to metabolise the work I'd been making and start planning for my next series.


In the studio I enjoyed focusing on drawing, a medium that I love but find it difficult to make time for usually. Chantal also showed me how to do tin metal casting which is very satisfying! 


What a pleasure to make art and eat chocolate bars with two friends as we held meandering conversations ranging from petty gossip to the meaning of life! Then a swim in the sea, Morris Dancing lessons and chips! Ideal!

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